Gujarat University Recruitment for Editorial Clerk & Trainee Lab Attendant Post , 2016

Post Name &Qualification:
- Trainee Lab Attendant:
- M.Sc. in Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ any branch of Life sciences.
Editorial Clerk:
- Bachelors degree in any subject with language efficiency in English, Gujarati , Hindi etc. Computer skills are compulsory- working with Coral, Page maker , word processing, secretarial practice, correspondence, filing etc.
Selection Process: Based on Interview.
How To Apply: Interested candidates may send their application in along with necessary enclosures at below mentioned address.
Send Application to Address:
- Trainee Lab Attendant: Prof. Meenu Saraf Head, Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Gujarat University
- Trainee Editorial Clerk: Professor Meenu Saraf, Department of Microbiology and Biotechnogy, University School of Sciences Gujarat University, Ahmedabad-380009.
Imp Date:
- Trainee Lab Attendant: 30-06-2016
- Trainee Editorial Clerk: 03-07-2016
Useful Link: