Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) Recruitment for Boiler Operation Engineers, Quality Control Officers, Fire & Safety Officers, Medical Officers, Human Resource Officers, Assistant Hindi Officers and Mid-level Engineers Post, 2017
Total Post : 221 Post
Post Name :
- Boiler Operations Engineer (Grade A): 33 Posts (Post Code: 01)
- Quality Control Officer (Grade A): 44 Posts (Post Code: 02)
- Fire & Safety Officer (Grade A): 50 Posts (Post Code: 03)
- Medical Officer (Grade A): 19 Posts [General Surgeons - 4, Anaesthetists - 3, Gynaecologist - 2, General Physicians / OH Specialist- 8, Cardiologist - 1, Orthopaedic Surgeon - 1] (Post Code: 04)
- Human Resource Officer (Grade A): 50 Posts (Post Code: 05)
- Assistant Hindi Officer (Grade Ao): 19 Posts (Post Code: 06)
- Manager (Advanced Process Control & Optimization) (Grade C): 06 Posts (Post Code: 07)
Educational Qualification:
- Boiler Operations Engineer (Grade A): 4 year B.E. / B.Tech / B.Sc. Engineering in Mechanical/Electrical discipline (Regular full time Engineering course from recognized Indian University / Institute) with minimum 60% marks (55% for SC/ST candidates). The candidate must possess Boiler Engineer’s Certificate (1st Class Proficiency) issued by the State Boiler Authorities of India.
- Quality Control Officer (Grade A): Ph.D in Chemistry from a recognized Indian University/ Institute. Candidates must have completed their post graduation studies in Chemistry with 60% marks or equivalent CGPA (55% for SC/ST/PwBD candidates).
- Fire & Safety Officer (Grade A): Regular full time B.E. (Fire)/ B.Tech. (Safety & Fire Engineering)/ B.Tech. (Fire Technology & Safety Engineering) with minimum 60 % marks (55% for SC / ST candidates) from a recognized Indian University / Institute. Desirable- Possession of a valid HMV Licence.
- Medical Officer (Grade A): MBBS with PG (Degree/Diploma) qualification (see details in official advertisement)
- Human Resource Officer (Grade A): 2 year full time regular MBA / Masters Degree or Post Graduate Diploma equivalent to MBA with HRM/IR/Labour welfare as major subjects or Masters Degree in Human Resource Management & Industrial Relations / Labour Welfare / Social Work with specialization in Personnel Management & Labour Welfare - from a recognized Indian Institute / University with minimum 60% marks or equivalent CGPA (55% for SC/ST/PwBD candidates only). The candidate must have completed the qualification under an “in Campus program” from an University duly approved by UGC. In case the qualifying degree is PGDM (or equivalent) offered by an Institute or a college, affiliated or otherwise, under an “Off Campus Program”; such degree/diploma offered by the institute/college must have a subsisting approval from AICTE. Further, such degree/diploma must have a recognition Association of Indian Universities (AIU)’declaring the program as equivalent to MBA.
- Assistant Hindi Officer (Grade Ao): M.A. in Hindi with English as subject at Graduation Level or MA in English with higher Hindi at Graduation level with minimum 60% marks or equivalent CGPA (55% for SC/ST/PwBD candidates only) from an Indian University recognized by UGC.
- Manager (Advanced Process Control & Optimization) (Grade C): B.E./ B. Tech. or equivalent degree in Chemical Engineering (Full-time programme from a recognized University/Institute.
- Application Fee: For post codes 01 to 06, General and OBC candidates are required to pay a non-refundable application fee of Rs.300/- (Rupees three hundred only) by SBI e-collect. For post code 07, General and OBC candidates are required to pay a non-refundable application fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One thousand only) will be paid through online application module. Pls Save and take a print the payment confirmation for record.
IOCL Engineers, Officers & Manager Selection Process
- Post Codes 01, 02, 03 & 04:
- The Selection process for the Post Codes 01, 02, 03 and 04 will comprise Personal Interviews only.
- The candidates should secure minimum 50% qualifying marks (40% for SC/ST/PwBD/ EXM candidates) in Personal Interview, for being adjudged suitable for selection.
- In case more than one candidate secures the same mark, the candidate holding the preferred desirable qualification/experience followed by length of experience shall be considered for deciding place in the merit list.
- Post Codes 05 & 06:
- The selection process for the Posts Codes 05 & 06 will comprise Written Test (objective type consisting of two parts - General Aptitude and Discipline Knowledge), Group Discussion/Group Task and Personal Interview.
- Candidates will have to qualify through each stage of selection process successfully before being adjudged as suitable for selection.
- The candidates should secure minimum qualifying marks as mentioned below in each stage i.e. Written Test, GD/GT and Personal Interview, for consideration of next stage of selection process and finally adjudged suitable for selection.
- Minimum qualifying marks
- Written Test: 35 out of 100 (General & OBC) & 25 out of 100 (SC / ST / PwBD / Exm. Candidates)
- GD/GT & Personal Interview: 40% (All Category)
- Securing the minimum qualifying marks does not confer any right or claim by the candidates for consideration for next stage of selection process/final selection, as the same is related to number of positions & relative composite merit applicable for each category.
- Post Code 07:
- The prospective candidates will first be shortlisted based on meeting eligibility criteria as per the academic and post academic experience mentioned above. Candidates are advised to provide the desired details truthfully during submission of online application. Final selection will be carried out based on two rounds of Interview. Candidates on qualification of first round of interviews will be called for the second (final) round.
How to Apply: Interested Candidates can Apply online Below Mention Useful Link
Imp Date:
- Advertisement No. RD-2017
- Commencement of online application form Tentative dates Submission of Application through on-line module ‘’on’’ (inclusive of payment of fee confirmation): 30-10-2017 To 18-11-2017
- Last date of receipt of Applications (Print out Hard copy) along with testimonials by “The Advertiser, Post Box No. 3098, Lodhi Road, Head Post Office, New Delhi 110 003”: 25/11/2017
- Tentative date of written test for HR and Hindi: 10-12-2017
- Tentative date for uploading written test result: 2nd week of January, 2018
- Tentative date of Personal interview for recruitment to the posts of Boiler Operation Engineer, Quality Control Officer, Fire & Safety Officer & Medical Officer: 2nd week of January, 2018
- Tentative date for Personal Interview for Recruitment to the posts of Human Resource Officer & Assistant Hindi Officer: 4th week of January, 2018
- Tentative date of Five level interview for recruitment to the post of Manager (Advanced Process Control & Optimization): 1st week of January, 2018