Total Post: 26502
Post Name:
- Assistant Loco Pilot : 17673 Post
- Technicians : 8829 Post
Educational Qualification: Read In Official Advertisement Below Useful Link
Scale of pay
Level 02 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix with initial pay of `19900/- plus other allowances as admissible.
Age : (as on 01.07.2018): 18 – 28 Years - Refer para 5.1 for age relaxations.
a. ONLINE fee payment through internet banking or debit/credit cards upto 05.03.2018 till 22.00 Hrs.
b. OFFLINE fee payment through
i. SBI Bank Branch for Challan Payment mode closes on 05.03.2018 at 13.00 Hrs in any branch of SBI.
ii. Post Office Challan Payment mode closes on 03.03.2018 at 13.00 Hrs in any branch of computerized Post Office.
All applicable service charges shall be borne by the candidate. If the fee is paid through off line mode viz (b) i & ii
above, the receipt should be preserved. The same should be produced on demand at the time of DV.
7.2 Minorities include Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Zoroastrians (Parsis) subject to
revision/deletion/inclusion if any received till the closing date of this CEN.
Minority candidates claiming waiver of examination fee will be required to furnish, at the time of DV, 'Minority
Community Declaration' affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper that they belong to any of the above minority
communities, failing which their candidature will be rejected.
7.3 Economically Backward Class (EBC) candidates are those whose annual family income is less than
` 50,000/-. Such candidates should have valid Income Certificate in the prescribed format or on the letterhead
of the Issuing Authority to this effect. The certificate details should be filled in the online application and same
should be submitted at the time of DV. Candidates having BPL card and Izzat MST are also eligible for fee
concession under EBC and all these candidates seeking fee concession should fill in the relevant details in the
ONLINE application.
7.4 For those Exam Fee Refundable Candidates who have appeared in First Stage CBT, the exam fee of `250/-
paid by them through online payment (Debit Card, Credit Card and Net Banking) shall be refunded duly
deducting bank charges to the same account from which the online payment was made. The candidates who
have made payment of ` 250/- through SBI Challan or Post office Challan Mode should provide details of
beneficiary account in which they would like to receive the refund viz. Beneficiary name, Bank name, Account
Number and IFSC Code.
How to Apply: Interested Candidates can Apply online Below Mention Useful Link