RAILWAY RECRUITMENT BOARDS ( RRB ) Published Official Notice For Postponed Group D Examination ,2018

According to the latest notice released by RRB, Railway exams for the recruitment of RRB ALP & Technician and Group D posts have been postponed. The main reason stated is the unprecedented response of about 2.37 crore applications for both the recruitment drives. As a result, the scrutiny of applications and preparations for CBT are still in progress. Hence, the Computer Based Test schedulefor both ALP & Group D will be announced after the completion of these initial processes. As per sources, the exam will take place in December. Read further to know all about RRB exam dates & much more.
Post Detail :
- Total Post: 62907
- Post Name: Group D
- Advt No : CEN 01/2018 and CEN 02/2018
Interim Notice
Candidates, Please Note The examination schedule for the first stage CBT of CEN 01/2018(for ALP & Technicians) and CBT of CEN 02/2018(for Level 1 Posts) have been tentatively indicated in both the CENs as APRIL/MAY 2018. However, due to the unprecedented response of about 2.37 crore applications for both the notifications, the scrutiny of applications and preparations for the conduct of CBT are still in progress. Hence, the examination (CBT) schedule for both the CENs shall be published on the websites of participating RRBs on completion of the above activities.
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