Pashchim Gujarat Vij Company Ltd. (PGVCL) Recruitment for Vidyut Sahayak (Jr. Assistant) Post, 2018

Total Post : 09
Post Name : Vidyut Sahayak (Jr. Assistant)
Educational Qualification:
- Full time graduate qualification in regular mode from recognized University duly approved by UGC/AICTE in any discipline. There is no minimum percentage requirement
Age Limit
- For Unreserved Category : 30 years and For Reserved Category: 35 years on the date of advertisement.(23.08.2018)
Application Fee
- Rs.500.00 for UR & SEBC candidate and Rs.250.00 for ST & SC candidates
- If PWD (Persons with Disability) candidate belongs to SC or ST category and fulfills the criteria, fees payable shall be Rs.250/-
Selection Process
- Final Selection will be based on written exam
Exam Syllabus
- The tentative syllabus for the exam will be including but not limited to following topics/areas and emphasis could differ.
- The exam will be conducted by On-line or OMR mode considering the number of candidates registered.
- Section - I: General Knowledge (10%)
- Section - II: English Language (20%)
- Section - III: Maths & General Science (15%)
- Section - IV: Analytic & Logical Reasoning (15%)
- Section - V: Computer knowledge (20%)
- Section - VI: Gujarati Language (20%)
- The question paper for the exam shall be consisting of 100 questions and the paper shall be of 100 marks. There shall be negative marking system and 1/4th mark for each wrong answer shall be deducted to arrive at total marks score
How to Apply: Interested Candidates can apply Online for Below Useful Link .
- Starting Date : 23-08-2018
- Last Date : 12-09-2018